Act V - Foreign Climes: There and Back Again

Scene I  Immediately thereafter.  An open place decorated in an earthen theme.
The Party.
We appear on an open plain, in a cold and wintry land, under a clear and starless night sky.  The ground is muddy with a little mould for local colour.  Scattered across the landscape are cylindrical plugs of earth -- the "tailings" from tunnelling spells cast on many different planes.  These appear and disappear as we watch. We plan to find a tailing from Alusia, or from a plane where we know a portal home may be found.  Our plan is given considerable urgency as Dawn begins to take damage merely from existing here -- the place appear inherently inimical to Air mages.  Braegon puts a trollskin on Dawn, and then he, Serendipity and Roke use DA to hunt for a likely tailing.  Pent creates a dais of ice to try and insulate Dawn from the ground, this does not prevent damage but it does appear to attract more tailings.  We feed Dawn healing potions, made more difficult by her choosing to become gaseous.  Finally a tailing appears from Alusia.  We run to it.  Braegon tunnels into it, and then counters his tunnel with us inside, and once more the world goes away.

Scene II  Freyasday 4th Frost.  An open grassy plain, somewhat arid and decorated with cattle, an hour before dawn.
Enter The Party.
We appear at night, but near dawn, on dry grasslands, under bright (but not unnaturally bright) stars. There is no sign of the mage who made the tunnel we hitched a ride on.  There is evidence of many cattle having passed recently and some can be seen in the distance, along with a campfire.  Our position as calculated from known stars appears to put us some 16-17 degrees North, though we cannot tell our longitude.  From the geography we guess either south-west of Araby, or far south-east of the Lunar Empire and well into terra incognito.  We decide to send ambassadors to speak with any people at the campfire.
[Exit Amelia and Roke]

[Offstage, a campfire conversation]
At the small camp-site, consisting of a single tent of fragile design and some four primitively dressed persons, Roke and Amelia engage in halting conversation.  The locals appear to understand the little Roke knows of the language of the Lunar Empire, and the apparent leader, says something about horses while shaking a spear.  He also tells Roke that there is a town to the south-east, and then Roke and Amelia depart, returning to the party.

Scene II continued  The grassy plain, a short while later.
[Re-enter Amelia and Roke]
Our ambassador recount their conversation, and based on this information, and after a short conversation the party elects to fly north-west for an hour, to use the remaining duration on our flying magics and to put distance between us and our arrival point.

Scene III  Reapsday 5th Frost.  Elsewhere on the grassy plain, more arid and with an Acacia tree, dawn.
Enter The Party, flying.
The Party lands and make camp.  Braegon moves earth to build a credible hill-fort, complete with latrines and bathing area.  Roke produces sackloads of fresh food and fills the bath with milk, and Serendipity bathes. There are suggestions that future historians, stumbling on this fort, may mistakenly  believe an army passed this way. In keeping with Braegon's complex watch schedule, Pent goes on watch, along with Roke pretending to be Dawn.  There is some discussion about the events of last night, our employer's sudden portalling to a safe distance, the manner in which we were compromised.  Suspicions are aired that our employer was responsible for the raid.  Dawn speaks to an uncultured and provincial wind and gets little information.  We camp for six hours and then depart, flying north-west and hoping to find the coast south of Araby.

An Aerial Interlude Reapsday 5th Frost.  Flying over arid terrain, afternoon.
The party spends the afternoon flying over arid terrain and covers some 300 miles to the north-west.  We pass large but nearly empty riverbeds, and begin to see signs of habitation -- white, flat-roofed, adobe or stone houses, with rather mangy looking horses and ridiculous animals that some in the party identify as camels. We pass small villages and a town or two, choosing to stop and camp for the night couple of hours after dark, with the plan of visiting one of these settlements in the morning.

Scene IV  Sunday 6th Frost.  An earthen fort on an arid plain, near a dry river bed, dawn.
Already present The Party, sleeping or on watch.
Around dawn our pickets observe two local goat herders approaching with some three dozen goats. A few unintelligible words are exchanged and they move on.  We discuss the possibly of storm calling to procure a cloud for Dawn to arrange transport but are concerned that given the climate a dust storm is possible. We decide to continue flying, pack and depart.

Scene V  Sunday 6th Frost.  Outside a town in Araby, morning.
Enter The Party, flying.
The party lands a half mile from a town and walks closer.  Guards with recurved bows are observed on the walls. They fire, the arrows falling some 10 yards short.  Braegon and Roke move a bit closer and two horsemen ride out from the city to meet with them.  There is a halting conversation in several languages. The locals confirm that we are in Araby, and that this town is "Al Shabab".  They claim that it is six days ride to the coast and then three days sail to Carzala.  The first figure sounds plausible, the second less so. Braegon attempts to claim Araby for the Duke of Carzala. The locals become agitated and we decide to leave.

An Aerial Interlude Sunday 6th Frost.  Flying over arid terrain, afternoon.
The party spends the morning and afternoon flying over arid terrain and covers several hundred miles to the north-west.  We pass over dust, sand, wilderness, some small towns and a couple of large but nearly empty rivers. By mid-afternoon we see clouds in the distance. A bit later we can see blue water in the distance, and clouds over the coast.  We angle towards a likely looking coastal town and stop a mile or so away. The party makes camp, and Amelia, Pent, Roke and Mortimer head for town.

Scene VI  Sunday 6th Frost.  Outside a coastal town in Araby, twilight.
Enter Amelia, Pent, Roke and Mortimer, walking.
Heading towards the town we see goats, cattle and camels. Arriving at the gate we are stopped by guards. They send for a translator, who turns out to be our very good friend (that we didn't know we had), humble "Ali".  He generously offers to help us, even taking care of the payment to the guards on our behalf.  We explain that we wish to seek passage on a ship and fortunately several of his friends and relatives are in the trade. He does appear to get a little confused though as he leads us around town by a most circuitous route, even crossing his own tracks.  Eventually we arrive at some form of meeting room with a lot of steam and poor ventilation, where he introduces us to two sea captains who might take us to Freetown in the Isles of Adventure. We proceed to a less steamy environment to have dinner and discuss terms, and Ali's name becomes "Ahmed".  The Captain of the Golden Eye offers to take us tomorrow for 4lbs of silver, and the Captain of the Rising Phoenix offers terms of only 1/3 of that, but cannot depart for a week.  We tell Ahmed that we will discuss with our companions and return.  He leads us out of the city, and I give him a small purse to ensure that there are no outstanding debts.  We return to the camp.

Scene VII  Sunday 6th Frost.  Outside a coastal town in Araby, later that night.
Enter Amelia, Pent, Roke and Mortimer, walking.
We arrive back at camp to find an unusual edifice.  Braegon and Serendipity have constructed a pillar of stone, within a ring of stone, within a rink of starlight as a defence against the myriad of scorpions and other desert dwellers.  Dawn is ensconced on top of the pillar engaged in a ritual to summon a cloud.  After further discussions, and the decision not to use a ship to return home, we embark upon Dawn's cloud, rise high into the air, and fly off north-north-west.

An Aerial Interlude Beginning Sunday 6th Frost and continuing for several days.  Flying over ocean and later land.
[This scene can best be staged with the use of a large map and perhaps some large pages of the nature of a calendar, the pages being carried on stage-left and off stage-right while the party's progress is marked upon the map in some fashion].
We fly all through Sunday night, and then through Moonday 7th and that night switch to a freshly summoned cloud in mid-air.  We have passed over an immense stretch of water in this time.  We continue travelling by cloud through Moonday night and into Duesday 8th.  Around mid-day we sight land and touch down to renew spells around dusk.  We follow the coast rather than heading inland to avoid the Dark Circle, and continuing on through W'nsday 9th we again switch clouds around mid-day and see the cities of the Five Sisters laid out below us.  Thr'sday 10th brings unfavourable winds and we use Mage Wind to continue north. Around dawn on Freysday 11th we cross into Carzala and touch the cloud down just outside the guild, having travelled some 2000 miles to get home.

Scene VIII
 Freysday 11th Frost. A room at the Guild.  Early morning.
The Party  and Smith .
The party enjoy an early morning breakfast and debriefing. Smith of Guild Security informs us that Princess Garsenda arrived in Carzala a few days ago and took up lodgings at His Grace's palace. He also informs us that the Duke would be grateful if she would leave -- and that if we could arrange that His Grace might see his way clear to not raise our taxes.  We discuss the situation and propose possibilities as to the actual identity of the "Princess".  We make arrangements for "Her Highness" to be invited to the Guild as some of us are invalided and unable to travel to the palace.
[Exit Smith]
The party discusses events, and particularly Servette and how we were located in the cellar.  Dawn considers leaving the party after her rather unpleasant experience with, as she calls it "that Hell place"; believing that she had indeed died there.  It is obvious that Dawn is severely traumatized, and, in this healer's opinion, possibly mad. Mortimer takes Dawn back to his house for a ride in the fresh air and sky on a nightmare.  The rest of the party go about their business until the Princess can arrive -- at the elegant hour that nobles arise.

Scene IX  Freysday 11th Frost. A room at the Guild.  Later that day.
The Party.
The party reconvenes to meet with the Princess, who arrives in Duke Leto's second best carriage.
[Enter Columbina, disguised as the Princess]
We are not surprised to find that the "Princess" is indeed Columbina. We return her the locket and she returns Serendipity's brooch. She had heard of the arrest attempt on the South Coast, though no reason for it. She tells us that since our sudden departure, Il Capitano has been arrested and thrown into Dom Daniel.  Zanni has disappeared and not been heard from, and that an earthquake is held responsible for the collapse of the house next to Il Capitano's. Columbina informs us that since we agreed to go into Dom Daniel we are honour bound to follow through.  We inform Columbina that Il Capitano employed us to minimize mime activity and that entering Dom Daniel, whilst part of his cunning plan, was never agreed to. Columbina is nonplussed.

Columbina's Story: Columbina works for Princess Garsenda, whose aims are generally at odds with those of Scaramouch.  The Princess wishes to inherit the throne, (soon), and would also like to see her father (although not in Dom Daniel). The Kingdom has gone rather downhill since Arturo retired, and there are now many more Artistic Enforcers (perhaps 120?).  The Princess wants Arturo out of Dom Daniel, but does not wish to release the demons held therein.  She does however wish to conduct a review of all cases in the last year as some people may have been sent to Dom Daniel incorrectly.  Il Capitano is part of the Princess's circle and "shadow court" and was chosen to employ us as "he is a man of action".  Il Capitano felt that we could in some way "break" Dom Daniel, but may have been concerned that we might also break Proscenia (?) or interfere with succession.

Columbina tells us more of mimes and of the history of Proscenia.  It appears that mummery is illegal because it is unaesthetic and hence immoral.  That many nobles possess some ability in it merely highlights that nobles are often immoral -- but they take care to only use their abilities away from the public eye.  It appears on Proscenia that aestheticism equals morality, and performing mime in public may be equated to tupping in public, or indeed Morris dancing.  Assassination on the other hand is considered morally neutral. Columbina also tells us that it is possible some mimes travelled through from Proscenia with her and outlines her cunning plan:

Columbina's Cunning Plan: Dressed as mimes we accompany Columbina back to Proscenia, break out of the customs arrival area, fly to Calenture and cast ourselves into Dom Daniel.  (Apparently our equipment will end up on the lake shore -- something Il Capitano may have neglected to mention).  We then try to free ourselves and Arturo, but no demons.

The party agree to discuss this and all parties depart upon their business.
[Exeunt Omnes]

A Philosophical Interlude Freysday 11th Frost until Moonday 14th.  Various places.
The party arranges for secure lodgings for Columbina at the Guild. Dawn arranges a most interesting astrology reading (by way of bibliomancy) regarding the non-existence of Dom Daniel, which sparks considerable discussion, and another on the whereabouts of Zanni that proves most interesting.. Braegon and Roke research in the library. Pent and Amelia investigate Columbina's almanac.  Mary-M is contacted and in turn attempts to ask a question of her patron Sammael.  Upon receiving the unusual message she is heard to remark "Oh no, not again".  Mortimer and Dawn depart to seek advice from some off-plane contacts.

Scene X  Moonday 14th Frost. A room at the Guild.  Mid-morning.
The Party.
We discuss our various findings.  We discuss possibilities as to the nature of Dom Daniel.  We discuss the issues of the Princess inheriting, quoth Pent: "We could put my belt on her and kill her and she'd come back as a guy".  We examine the now somewhat mangy ear that Patch gave us and heal it.  Speaking to the ear we ask mimes to meet us in New Seagate square an hour after noon -- near the apple-cart. We depart for the square.

Scene XI  Moonday 14th Frost. The main square in New Seagate. An hour after noon.
The Party.
We examine apple carts but find no mimes.  On the way back to the Guild we stop and have a picnic and speak to a local street performer who tells us nothing of interest.

Scene XII  Moonday 14th Frost. A room at the Guild.  Later that afternoon.
The Party.
We discuss ways of getting through the customs office at the Proscenian end of the portal.  We discuss wings, winds, mammoths, carpets and chickens, and eventually arrive at a cunning plan.  We send message to the New Seagate guard that it might be perhaps best if merchants were warned out of the main square an hour or so after noon tomorrow, and that there would be an oration.
[Exeunt Omnes]

Scene XIII  Duesday 15th Frost. The main square in New Seagate. An hour after noon.
Enter The Party and Columbina, also a Woolly Mammoth.
The party arrive in the square in time for the oration. Five members of the party -- all but Amelia and Pent -- are dressed in head-to-toe black outfits and appear human, Mortimer having grown to five feet for the occasion.  Accompanying the party is Columbina (dressed in normal clothes), and a woolly mammoth, courtesy of Pent's magics.  The square is unusually quiet though there are some merchants with barrows of rather suspect vegetables, and some persons of the lower variety.  Shortly after we arrive however a murmur goes around that it's "not that Guild" and people begin to disperse.  Apparently throwing rotten vegetable at members of the troubadours guild is expected.  Columbina begins a majestic oration on hats.  A wide beam of light arrives and the world goes away.

Scene XIV  Immediately thereafter.  An open place of no known location.
Each of the players separately.
In a reprise of Act I, Scene IV, each of the party find themselves utterly alone, in a place of emptiness with no sight or sound or tactile sense, though they can still feel the existence and position of their bodies. Slowly sight returns and other members of the group, initially far off, draw closer with no feeling of movement.  All of the party, Columbina and mammoth are present. We await the end of the journey, and when, in the distance a light appears, we roll Columbina in a carpet we procured for the purpose, loosely tie Amelia and Pent's hands, Mortimer takes the mammoth's halter and we wait for the world to reappear.

End of Act V

Act IV - Proscenia City: Alarums and Excursions Index
Act VI - Proscenia Again: O for a Muse...